Google Data Analytics Certification Full Study Guide | Course 1 - Week 1 (2024)

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENT Introducing Data Analytics Introduction Learning Objectives OPTIONAL:FAMILIAR WITH DATA ANALYTICS? – TAKE OUR DIAGNOSTIC QUIZ 1. A clothing retailer collects and stores data about its sales revenue. Which of the following would be part of its data ecosystem? Select all that apply. 2. What is the process of guiding business strategy using facts? 3. Fill in the blank: Curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy are _____. They enable data analysts to solve problems using facts. 4. The owner of a skate shop notices that every time a certain employee has a shift, there are higher sales numbers at the end of the day. After some investigation, the owner realizes that since the employee was hired, the store earns 15% more each month. In this scenario, the manager used which quality of analytical thinking? 5. Gap analysis is a process that could help accomplish which of the following tasks? Select all that apply. 6. An advertising firm has used insights from its analytics team to create a strategy for improving sales. Now, they implement a plan to increase annual revenue. The firm is at which step of the data analysis process? 7. A data analyst adds descriptive headers to columns of data in a spreadsheet. How does this improve the spreadsheet? 8. This is a selection from a spreadsheet that ranks the 10 most populous cities in North Carolina. To alphabetize the county names in column D, which spreadsheet tool would you use? 9. You are querying a database of manufacturing company suppliers. The column name for supplier identification numbers is supplier_id. What is the correct clause to retrieve only data about the supplier with identification number 85317? 10. Imagine you are sharing your data with a company stakeholder. Why might you display data with a data visualization instead of a table? Select all that apply. Test your knowledge on the data ecosystem 1. Which of the following statements best defines data? 2. Fill in the blank: In data analytics, the data ecosystem refers to the various elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, _____, analyze, and share data. 3. Which of the following terms refers to the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making? 4. An airline collects, observes, and analyzes its customers’ online behaviors. Then, it uses the insights gained to choose what new products and services to offer. What business process does this describe? Test your knowledge on proper use of the discussion forum 1. Which of the following examples is an appropriate use of the discussion forum? 2. In order to create clear and engaging discussions in the forum, which type of writing style should you use? Select all that apply. 3. When posting in the discussion forum, what type of behavior is acceptable? GOOGLE DATA ANALYTICS COURSERA ANSWERS AND STUDY GUIDE Data, Data, Everywhere Weekly Challenge 1 1. The collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making describes what? 2. Fill in the blank: Data ecosystems are made up of elements that _____ with each other. This makes it possible for them to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data. 3. Fill in the blank: Data _____ involves creating new ways of modeling and understanding the unknown by using raw data. 4. What tactics can a data analyst use to effectively blend gut instinct with facts? Select all that apply. 5. A company defines a problem it wants to solve. Then, a data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. The analyst shares their analysis with subject-matter experts, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. What does this scenario describe? 6. To get the most out of data-driven decision-making, it’s important to include insights from people very familiar with the business problem. Identify what these people are called. 7. Sharing the results of your analysis with colleagues who are very familiar with the business problem supports what practice? 8. You read an interesting article about data analytics in a magazine and want to share some ideas from the article in the discussion forum. In your post, you include the author and a link to the original article. This would be an inappropriate use of the forum. 9. Which of the following options describes data analysis? 10. In data analytics, what term describes a collection of elements that interact with one another? 11. Select the best description of gut instinct. 12. A furniture manufacturer wants to find a more environmentally friendly way to make its products. A data analyst helps solve this problem by gathering relevant data, analyzing it, and using it to draw conclusions. The analyst then shares their analysis with subject-matter experts from the manufacturing team, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. This scenario describes data science. 13. You have just finished analyzing data for a marketing project. Before moving forward, you share your results with members of the marketing team to see if they might have additional insights into the business problem. What practice does this support? 14. You read an interesting article in a magazine and want to share it in the discussion forum. What should you do when posting? Select all that apply. 15. Fill in the blank: The term _____ is defined as an intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation. 16. Fill in the blank: The primary goal of a data _____ is to find answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources. 17. Billings Upholstery has defined a problem it needs to solve: Find a more environmentally friendly way to produce its furniture. A data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. The analyst then shares their analysis with subject-matter experts from the manufacturing team, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. This scenario describes what process? 18. Fill in the blank: The people very familiar with a business problem are called _____. They are an important part of data-driven decision-making. 19. A data analyst finishes analyzing data for a marketing project. The results are clear, so they present findings and recommendations to the client. What should they have done before that presentation? 20. You have recently subscribed to an online data analytics magazine. You really enjoyed an article and want to share it in the discussion forum. Which of the following would be appropriate in a post? Select all that apply. 21. What is the purpose of data analysis? Select all that apply. 22. Fill in the blank: A collection of elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data is known as a data ______ . 23. Gut instinct is an intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation. 24. A music streaming service is looking to increase user engagement on their platform. The CEO decides to leverage the company’s user data and tasks the data analysts with uncovering unknown trends and characteristics of the companies user base. This strategy is known as what? 25. Fill in the blank: Hardware, software, and the cloud all interact with each other to store and organize data in a _____. 26. Fill in the blank: Using data to create new ways of understanding and modeling the unknown is known as _____. 27. Fill in the blank: In data science, ________ is when a data analyst uses their unique past experiences to understand the story the data is telling. 28. You have just finished analyzing data for a marketing project. Before moving forward, you share your results with members of the marketing team to see if they might have additional insights into the business problem. What process does this support? 29. Data analysis is the various elements that interact with one another in order to provide, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data. 30. In data analytics, a model is a group of elements that interact with one another. 31. Fill in the blank: Using data to create new ways of understanding and modeling the unknown is known as _____. 32. A data analyst at Billings Upholstery is trying to find more environmentally friendly way to produce furniture. The data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. Then they share this analysis with subject-matter experts in manufacturing. Once the subject-matter experts have reviewed the analysis, a plan is put into action. What process does this scenario describe? 33. Fill in the blank: The people very familiar with a business problem are called _____. They are an important part of data-driven decision-making. 34. Fill in the blank: When following data-driven decision-making, a data analyst will consult with ______ . 35. When citing an article you found in a discussion forum, you should always do what? 36. In data analytics, what term describes a collection of elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data? 37. A data scientist is someone who does what? 38. In data-driven decision-making, a data analyst would share their results with subject matter experts and draw conclusions from their analysis. What else would a data analyst do in data-driven decision-making? 39. If you are using data-driven decision-making, what action steps would you take? Select all that apply 40. Sharing your results with subject matter experts and gathering and analyzing data are carried out in data driven-decision-making. What else is included in this process? 41. Fill in the blank: When posting in a discussion forum, you should always check your post for _ and grammatical errors 42. Finding answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources is the primary goal of a data analyst. 43. Fill in the blank: _ are an important part of data-driven decision-making because they are people familiar with the business problem and can offer insight into the results of data analysis. 44. As a data analyst, you finish analyzing the latest marketing data. If you are following the data-driven decision making process, what should you do next? Introducing Data Analytics CoNCLUSION References



Introducing Data Analytics Introduction

In this Google data analytics certification, you’ll learn how data analysts use Data Analytics and the tools of their trade to inform business decisions. You’ll also discover more about this course and the overall program expectations.

Data analytics is an essential tool for making informed decisions in both our personal lives and in business. By understanding how to collect, analyze, and interpret data, we can make better choices about everything from what products to buy to which stocks to invest in.

The goal of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation in data analytics so that you can begin to make better informed decisions in your own life and business.

For an in-depth review of Google Data Analytics Certification check review.

Learning Objectives

  • Define key concepts involved in data analytics including data, data analysis, and data ecosystem
  • Discuss the use of data in everyday life decisions
  • Identify the key features of the learning environment and their uses
  • Describe principles and practices that will help to increase one’s chances of success in this certificate
  • Explain the use of data in organizational decision-making
  • Describe the key concepts to be discussed in the program, including learning outcomes

So let’s get started!


1. A clothing retailer collects and stores data about its sales revenue. Which of the following would be part of its data ecosystem? Select all that apply.

  • The databases of competing retailers
  • The cloud that stores its database (Correct)
  • Records of its inventory (Correct)
  • The database of sales revenue (Correct)

2. What is the process of guiding business strategy using facts?

  • Data-driven decision-making (Correct)
  • Analytical planning
  • Strategic improvement
  • Identification of data and decisions

3. Fill in the blank: Curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy are _____. They enable data analysts to solve problems using facts.

  • Analytical skills (Correct)
  • Business skills
  • Personal insights
  • Thought processes

4. The owner of a skate shop notices that every time a certain employee has a shift, there are higher sales numbers at the end of the day. After some investigation, the owner realizes that since the employee was hired, the store earns 15% more each month. In this scenario, the manager used which quality of analytical thinking?

  • Visualization
  • Correlation (Correct)
  • Problem-orientation
  • Big-picture thinkingIncorrectYou didn’t select an answer.

5. Gap analysis is a process that could help accomplish which of the following tasks? Select all that apply.

  • Reduce a company’s carbon footprint based on its current emissions (Correct)
  • Increase the efficiency of a car manufacturer based on its current assembly process (Correct)
  • Spread awareness about income inequality based on local salaries
  • Improve accessibility for an educational app based on its current functionality (Correct)

6. An advertising firm has used insights from its analytics team to create a strategy for improving sales. Now, they implement a plan to increase annual revenue. The firm is at which step of the data analysis process?

  • Analyze
  • Act (Correct)
  • Process
  • ShareIncorrectYou didn’t select an answer.

7. A data analyst adds descriptive headers to columns of data in a spreadsheet. How does this improve the spreadsheet?

  • It adds context (Correct)
  • It clarifies the business strategy
  • It improves the aesthetic appeal
  • It eliminates unnecessary details

8. This is a selection from a spreadsheet that ranks the 10 most populous cities in North Carolina. To alphabetize the county names in column D, which spreadsheet tool would you use?

27Cary170,282Wake, Chatham
54Durham278,993Durham (seat), Wake, Orange
89High Point112,791Guilford, Randolph, Davidson, Forsyth
92Raleigh474,069Wake (seat), Durham
108Wilmington123,784New Hanover
  • Organize range
  • Alphabetize range
  • Name range
  • Sort range (Correct)

9. You are querying a database of manufacturing company suppliers. The column name for supplier identification numbers is supplier_id. What is the correct clause to retrieve only data about the supplier with identification number 85317?

  • FROM supplier_id 85317
  • SELECT supplier_id 85317
  • WHERE supplier_id = 85317 (Correct)
  • COLUMN supplier_id = 85317

Correct: The correct clause is WHERE supplier_id = 85317. This clause tells the database to return only information about the supplier whose ID is 85317.

10. Imagine you are sharing your data with a company stakeholder. Why might you display data with a data visualization instead of a table? Select all that apply.

  • It helps them identify trends more quickly (Correct)
  • It thoroughly describes each data point
  • It’s easy to understand (Correct)
  • It’s aesthetically pleasing (Correct)

Test your knowledge on the data ecosystem

1. Which of the following statements best defines data?

  • Data is the use of calculations and statistics.
  • Data is an assortment of questions.
  • Data is a business process.
  • Data is a collection of facts. (Correct)

2. Fill in the blank: In data analytics, the data ecosystem refers to the various elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, _____, analyze, and share data.

  • locate
  • merge
  • ingest
  • organize (Correct)

3. Which of the following terms refers to the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making?

  • Data analysis (Correct)
  • Data life cycle
  • Data elements
  • Data insight

4. An airline collects, observes, and analyzes its customers’ online behaviors. Then, it uses the insights gained to choose what new products and services to offer. What business process does this describe?

  • Performance measurement
  • Collaboration with stakeholders
  • Analytical thinking
  • Data-driven decision-making (Correct)

Test your knowledge on proper use of the discussion forum

1. Which of the following examples is an appropriate use of the discussion forum?

  • Asking a question about a lesson from this program (Correct)
  • Sharing a photo of your new pet
  • Asking other learners to give your resume to their employer
  • Posting answers to quiz questions

2. In order to create clear and engaging discussions in the forum, which type of writing style should you use? Select all that apply.

  • Writing in complete sentences (Correct)
  • Typing in all lowercase
  • Writing in text message language, such as BTW for “by the way”
  • Including proper punctuation, such as commas and periods (Correct)

3. When posting in the discussion forum, what type of behavior is acceptable?

  • Using cursing to emphasize your point
  • Sharing advertisem*nts and product promotions
  • Conveying your opinion clearly by arguing against someone’s perspective
  • Being sensitive, kind, and open-minded (Correct)


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Data, Data, Everywhere Weekly Challenge 1

1. The collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making describes what?

  • Data analytics
  • Data life cycle
  • Data analysis (Correct)
  • Data science

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2. Fill in the blank: Data ecosystems are made up of elements that _____ with each other. This makes it possible for them to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data.

  • gain insights
  • unite
  • interact (Correct)
  • problem-solve

3. Fill in the blank: Data _____ involves creating new ways of modeling and understanding the unknown by using raw data.

  • engineering
  • design
  • science (Correct)
  • analysis

4. What tactics can a data analyst use to effectively blend gut instinct with facts? Select all that apply.

  • Focus on intuition to choose which data to collect and how to analyze it.
  • Use their knowledge of how their company works to better understand a business need. (Correct)
  • Apply their unique past experiences to their current work, while keeping in mind the story the data is telling. (Correct)
  • Ask how to define success for a project, but rely most heavily on their own personal perspective.

5. A company defines a problem it wants to solve. Then, a data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. The analyst shares their analysis with subject-matter experts, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. What does this scenario describe?

  • Customer service
  • Data science
  • Data-driven decision-making (Correct)
  • Identification of trends

6. To get the most out of data-driven decision-making, it’s important to include insights from people very familiar with the business problem. Identify what these people are called.

  • Customers
  • Stakeholders
  • Competitors
  • Subject-matter experts (Correct)

7. Sharing the results of your analysis with colleagues who are very familiar with the business problem supports what practice?

  • Data analytics
  • Data science
  • Data management
  • Data-driven decision-making (Correct)

Correct: Sharing the results of your analysis with people who are familiar with the business problem is an example of data-driven decision-making. Data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy.

8. You read an interesting article about data analytics in a magazine and want to share some ideas from the article in the discussion forum. In your post, you include the author and a link to the original article. This would be an inappropriate use of the forum.

  • True
  • False (Correct)

9. Which of the following options describes data analysis?

  • Creating new ways of modeling and understanding the unknown by using raw data
  • Using facts to guide business strategy
  • The various elements that interact with one another in order to provide, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data
  • The collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making (CORRECT)

Correct: Data analysis is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making.

10. In data analytics, what term describes a collection of elements that interact with one another?

  • The cloud environment
  • A modeling system
  • A data ecosystem (CORRECT)
  • A database

Correct: Data ecosystems are made up of elements that interact to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data.

11. Select the best description of gut instinct.

  • Using your innate ability to analyze results
  • Manipulating data to match your intuition
  • Choosing facts that complement your personal experiences
  • An intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation (CORRECT)

Correct: Gut instinct is an intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation.

12. A furniture manufacturer wants to find a more environmentally friendly way to make its products. A data analyst helps solve this problem by gathering relevant data, analyzing it, and using it to draw conclusions. The analyst then shares their analysis with subject-matter experts from the manufacturing team, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. This scenario describes data science.

  • True
  • False (CORRECT)

Correct: This company has put data at the heart of its business strategy in order to achieve data-driven decision-making.

13. You have just finished analyzing data for a marketing project. Before moving forward, you share your results with members of the marketing team to see if they might have additional insights into the business problem. What practice does this support?

  • Data science
  • Data management
  • Data analytics
  • Data-driven decision-making (CORRECT)

Correct: Including insights from people who are familiar with the business problem is an example of data-driven decision-making. Data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy.

14. You read an interesting article in a magazine and want to share it in the discussion forum. What should you do when posting? Select all that apply.

  • Include your email address for people to send questions or comments.
  • Take credit for creating the article.
  • Check your post for typos or grammatical errors. (CORRECT)
  • Make sure the article is relevant to data analytics. (CORRECT)

Correct: Posts should be relevant to data analytics and checked for typos and grammatical errors.

15. Fill in the blank: The term _____ is defined as an intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation.

  • Collect, transform, and organize data
  • Review the results of data analysis and identify any inconsistencies (CORRECT)
  • Offer insights into the business problem (CORRECT)
  • Validate the choices made as a result of the data insights (CORRECT)

Correct: Subject-matter experts can offer insights into the business problem, identify inconsistencies in the analysis, and validate the choices being made.

16. Fill in the blank: The primary goal of a data _____ is to find answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources.

  • designer
  • scientist
  • analyst (CORRECT)
  • engineer

Correct: The primary goal of a data analyst is to find answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources.

17. Billings Upholstery has defined a problem it needs to solve: Find a more environmentally friendly way to produce its furniture. A data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. The analyst then shares their analysis with subject-matter experts from the manufacturing team, who validate the findings. Finally, a plan is put into action. This scenario describes what process?

  • Customer service
  • Identification of trends
  • Data science
  • Data-driven decision-making (CORRECT)

Correct: This company has put data at the heart of its business strategy in order to achieve data-driven decision-making.

18. Fill in the blank: The people very familiar with a business problem are called _____. They are an important part of data-driven decision-making.

  • Surveyed customers about results, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Shared the results with subject-matter experts from the marketing team for their input (CORRECT)
  • Created a model based on the results of the analysis
  • Archived the datasets in order to keep them secure

Correct: Including insights from people who are familiar with the business problem is an example of data-driven decision-making.

19. A data analyst finishes analyzing data for a marketing project. The results are clear, so they present findings and recommendations to the client. What should they have done before that presentation?

  • stakeholders
  • customers
  • competitors
  • subject-matter experts (CORRECT)

Correct: Subject-matter experts are very familiar with the business problem and can look at the results of data analysis to validate the choices being made.

20. You have recently subscribed to an online data analytics magazine. You really enjoyed an article and want to share it in the discussion forum. Which of the following would be appropriate in a post? Select all that apply.

  • Including an advertisem*nt for how to subscribe to the data analytics magazine
  • Checking your post for typos or grammatical errors (CORRECT)
  • Including your own thoughts about the article (CORRECT)
  • Giving credit to the original author (CORRECT)

Correct: Sharing informative articles is an appropriate use of the forum as long as you give credit to the original author. Also, posts should be relevant to data analytics and checked for typos and grammatical errors.

21. What is the purpose of data analysis? Select all that apply.

  • To make predictions (CORRECT)
  • To draw conclusions (CORRECT)
  • To drive informed decision-making (CORRECT)
  • To create models of data

Correct: Sharing informative articles is an appropriate use of the forum as long as you give credit to the original author. Also, posts should be relevant to data analytics and checked for typos and grammatical errors.

22. Fill in the blank: A collection of elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data is known as a data ______ .

  • environment
  • model
  • ecosystem (CORRECT)
  • cloud

23. Gut instinct is an intuitive understanding of something with little or no explanation.

  • True (CORRECT)
  • False

24. A music streaming service is looking to increase user engagement on their platform. The CEO decides to leverage the company’s user data and tasks the data analysts with uncovering unknown trends and characteristics of the companies user base. This strategy is known as what?

  • Data-driven decision-making (CORRECT)
  • Data analytics decision-making
  • Data science decision-making
  • Data management decision-making

25. Fill in the blank: Hardware, software, and the cloud all interact with each other to store and organize data in a _____.

  • data ecosystem (CORRECT)
  • cloud environment
  • modeling system
  • database

26. Fill in the blank: Using data to create new ways of understanding and modeling the unknown is known as _____.

  • data analysis (CORRECT)
  • data design
  • data science
  • data engineering

27. Fill in the blank: In data science, ________ is when a data analyst uses their unique past experiences to understand the story the data is telling.

  • gut instinct (CORRECT)
  • awareness
  • rational thought
  • personal opinion

28. You have just finished analyzing data for a marketing project. Before moving forward, you share your results with members of the marketing team to see if they might have additional insights into the business problem. What process does this support?

  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science (CORRECT)
  • Data management

29. Data analysis is the various elements that interact with one another in order to provide, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data.

  • True
  • False (CORRECT)

30. In data analytics, a model is a group of elements that interact with one another.

  • True
  • False (CORRECT)

31. Fill in the blank: Using data to create new ways of understanding and modeling the unknown is known as _____.

  • data engineering
  • data analysis
  • data design
  • data science (CORRECT)

32. A data analyst at Billings Upholstery is trying to find more environmentally friendly way to produce furniture. The data analyst gathers relevant data, analyzes it, and uses it to draw conclusions. Then they share this analysis with subject-matter experts in manufacturing. Once the subject-matter experts have reviewed the analysis, a plan is put into action. What process does this scenario describe?

  • Identification of trends
  • Data Science
  • Customer service
  • Data-driven decision-making (CORRECT)

33. Fill in the blank: The people very familiar with a business problem are called _____. They are an important part of data-driven decision-making.

  • customers
  • stakeholders
  • subject-matter experts (CORRECT)
  • competitors

34. Fill in the blank: When following data-driven decision-making, a data analyst will consult with ______ .

  • stakeholders
  • managers
  • subject matter experts (CORRECT)
  • customers

35. When citing an article you found in a discussion forum, you should always do what?

  • Check the article for typos or grammatical errors.
  • Include your email address for people to send questions or comments.
  • Give credit to the original author. (CORRECT)
  • Take credit for creating the article.

36. In data analytics, what term describes a collection of elements that interact with one another to produce, manage, store, organize, analyze, and share data?

  • A database
  • The cloud environment
  • A data ecosystem (CORRECT)
  • A modeling system


37. A data scientist is someone who does what?

  • Designs new products
  • Solves engineering problems
  • Finds answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources
  • Creates new questions using data (CORRECT)


38. In data-driven decision-making, a data analyst would share their results with subject matter experts and draw conclusions from their analysis. What else would a data analyst do in data-driven decision-making?

  • Identification of trends
  • Gather and analyze data (CORRECT)
  • Determining the stakeholders.
  • Survey customers about results, conclusions, and recommendations


39. If you are using data-driven decision-making, what action steps would you take? Select all that apply

  • Surveying customers about results, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Drawing conclusions from your analysis (CORRECT)
  • Sharing your results with subject matter experts (CORRECT)
  • Gathering and analyzing data (CORRECT)


40. Sharing your results with subject matter experts and gathering and analyzing data are carried out in data driven-decision-making. What else is included in this process?

  • Surveying customers about results, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Determining the stakeholders
  • Drawing conclusions from your analysis. (CORRECT)
  • Identification of trends


41. Fill in the blank: When posting in a discussion forum, you should always check your post for _ and grammatical errors

  • popularity
  • support
  • importance
  • typos (CORRECT)


42. Finding answers to existing questions by creating insights from data sources is the primary goal of a data analyst.

  • True (CORRECT)
  • False


43. Fill in the blank: _ are an important part of data-driven decision-making because they are people familiar with the business problem and can offer insight into the results of data analysis.

  • Customers
  • Competitors
  • Stakeholders
  • Subject-matter experts (CORRECT)


44. As a data analyst, you finish analyzing the latest marketing data. If you are following the data-driven decision making process, what should you do next?

  • Survey customers about results, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Create a model based on the results of the analysis
  • Archive the datasets in order to keep them secure
  • Share the results with subject-matter experts from the marketing team for their input (CORRECT)


Introducing Data Analytics CoNCLUSION

In order to make sound decisions, it is important to have a clear understanding of what data is and how it can be analyzed. Data analytics has become increasingly important in recent years as we have become more reliant on technology to make our everyday decisions. The key concepts involved in data analytics will be discussed in this program, including data, data analysis, and the data ecosystem.

In addition, the use of data in organizational decision-making will be explored. This program will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to increase your chances of success in this rapidly growing field. Join the learning experience today on Coursera – Google Data Analytics Certification!

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Google Data Analytics Certification Full Study Guide | Course 1 - Week 1 (2024)


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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

Last Updated:

Views: 6082

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.