Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Coursera Quiz Answers | Quizerry (2024)

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Coursera Quiz Answers | Quizerry (1)

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure – Coursera

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Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure – Coursera Quiz Answer

Cloud Computing Services

1. Does a cloud computing service let you scale your resource use up and down?

  • Yes
  • No

2. To get resources from a cloud computing provider, is working with a person at the provider required?

  • Yes
  • No

GCP Regions and Zones

1. Why might a GCP customer use resources in several zones within a region?

  • For improved fault tolerance
  • For better performance

2. Why might a GCP customer use resources in several regions around the world?

  • To bring their applications closer to users around the world, and for improved fault tolerance
  • To improve security

Introducing Google Cloud Platform

1. Choose fundamental characteristics of cloud computing. Mark all that are correct (4 correct responses).

  • Resources are available from anywhere over the network
  • Customers can scale their resource use up and down
  • Customers are required to commit to multi-year contracts
  • Providers always dedicate physical resources to each customer
  • Computing resources available on-demand and self-service
  • All resources are open-source-based
  • Customers pay only for what they use or reserve

2.Choose a fundamental characteristic of devices in a virtualized data center.

  • They are available from anywhere on the Internet.
  • They are manageable separately from the underlying hardware.
  • They are more secure.
  • They use less resources than devices in a physical data center.

3. What type of cloud computing service lets you bind your application code to libraries that give access to the infrastructure your application needs?

  • Platform as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • Software as a Service
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Virtualized data centers

4. What type of cloud computing service provides raw compute, storage, and network, organized in ways that are familiar from physical data centers?

  • Database as a Service
  • Platform as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • Software as a Service

5. Which statement is true about the zones within a region?

  • Customers must choose exactly one zone in each region in which to run their resources.
  • The zones within a region have fast network connectivity among them.
  • The zones within a region are never closer to each other than 160 km.
  • Each zone corresponds to a single physical data center.

6. What kind of customer benefits most from billing by the second for cloud resources such as virtual machines?

  • Customers who create and run many virtual machines
  • Customers who create many virtual machines and leave them running for months
  • Customers who create too few virtual machines to get discounts
  • Customers who create virtual machines running commercially licensed operating systems

The Google Cloud Platform resource hierarchy

1. Choose the correct completion: Services and APIs are enabled on a per-__________ basis.

  • Organization
  • Folder
  • Billing account
  • Project

2. True or false: Google manages every aspect of Google Cloud Platform customers’ security.

  • True
  • False

3. Your company has two GCP projects, and you want them to share policies. What is the less error-prone way to set this up?

  • Duplicate all the policies on one project onto the other.
  • Place both projects into a folder, and define the policies on the folder.

Resources and IAM

1. When would you choose to have an organization node? (Choose all that are correct. Choose 2 responses.)

  • When you want to create folders.
  • When you want to organize resources into projects.
  • When you want to apply organization-wide policies centrally.
  • There is no choice; organization nodes are mandatory.

2. Order these IAM role types from broadest to finest-grained.

  • Primitive roles, predefined roles, custom roles
  • Custom roles, predefined roles, primitive roles
  • Predefined roles, custom roles, primitive roles

3. Can IAM policies that are implemented higher in the resource hierarchy take away access that is granted by lower-level policies?

  • Yes.
  • No.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform

1. True or False: In Google Cloud IAM: if a policy applied at the project level gives you Owner permissions, your access to an individual resource in that project might be restricted to View permission if someone applies a more restrictive policy directly to that resource.

  • True
  • False

2. True or False: All Google Cloud Platform resources are associated with a project.

  • True
  • False

3. Service accounts are used to provide which of the following? (Choose all that are correct. Choose 3 responses.)

  • A way to restrict the actions a resource (such as a VM) can perform
  • A way to allow users to act with service account permissions
  • A set of predefined permissions
  • Authentication between Google Cloud Platform services

4. How do GCP customers and Google Cloud Platform divide responsibility for security?

  • Google takes care of the higher parts of the stack, and customers are responsible for the lower parts.
  • All aspects of security are the customer’s responsibility.
  • Google takes care of the lower parts of the stack, and customers are responsible for the higher parts.
  • All aspects of security are Google’s responsibility.

5. Which of these values is globally unique, permanent, and unchangeable, but chosen by the customer?

  • The project name
  • The project number
  • The project ID
  • The project’s billing credit-card number

6. Consider a single hierarchy of GCP resources. Which of these situations is possible? (Choose all that are correct. Choose 3 responses.)

  • There are two or more organization nodes
  • There is no organization node, but there is at least one folder.
  • There is an organization node, and there is at least one folder.
  • There is an organization node, and there are no folders.
  • There is no organization node, and there are no folders.

7. What is the difference between IAM primitive roles and IAM predefined roles?

  • Primitive roles affect all resources in a GCP project. Predefined roles apply to a particular service in a project.
  • Primitive roles are changeable once assigned. Predefined roles can never be changed.
  • Primitive roles only allow viewing, creating, and deleting resources. Predefined roles allow any modification.
  • Primitive roles only apply to the owner of the GCP project. Predefined roles can be associated with any user.
  • Primitive roles can only be granted to single users. Predefined roles can be associated with a group.

8. Which statement is true about billing for solutions deployed using Cloud Marketplace (formerly known as Cloud Launcher)?

  • You pay only for the underlying GCP resources you use, with the possible addition of extra fees for commercially licensed software.
  • You pay only for the underlying GCP resources you use; Google pays the license fees for commercially licensed software.
  • Cloud Marketplace solutions are always free.
  • After a trial period, each Cloud Marketplace solution assesses a fixed recurring monthly fee.

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network

1. True or false? In Google Cloud VPCs, subnets have regional scope.

  • True
  • False

2. True or false: If you increase the size of a subnet in a custom VPC network, the IP addresses of virtual machines already on that subnet might be affected.

  • True
  • False

Compute Engine

1. True or false: You can create Compute Engine virtual machines from the command line.

  • True
  • False

2. What is the main reason customers choose Preemptible VMs?

  • To reduce cost.
  • To improve performance.

Google Compute Engine and Networking

1. True or False: Google Cloud Load Balancing allows you to balance HTTP-based traffic across multiple Compute Engine regions.

  • True
  • False

2. Which statement is true about Google VPC networks and subnets?

  • Networks are global; subnets are zonal
  • Networks are global; subnets are regional
  • Networks are regional; subnets are zonal
  • Networks and subnets are global

3. An application running in a Compute Engine virtual machine needs high-performance scratch space. Which type of storage meets this need?

  • Local standard
  • Standard persistent
  • Local SSD
  • SSD persistent

4. Choose an application that would be suitable for running in a Preemptible VM.

  • A batch job that can be checkpointed and restarted
  • An interactive website
  • A batch job that cannot be checkpointed and restarted
  • An online relational database

5. How do Compute Engine customers choose between big VMs and many VMs?

  • Use big VMs for fault tolerance and elasticity; use many VMs for in-memory databases and CPU-intensive analytics
  • Use big VMs for in-memory databases and CPU-intensive analytics; use many VMs for fault tolerance and elasticity

6. How do VPC routers and firewalls work?

  • They are managed by Google as a built-in feature.
  • Customers provision virtual machines and run their routers and firewalls in them.
  • They are managed by Google in virtual machines, which customers may tune or turn off.
  • They are managed by Google in virtual machines, which customers may never modify.

7. A GCP customer wants to load-balance traffic among the back-end VMs that form part of a multi-tier application. Which load-balancing option should this customer choose?

  • The regional internal load balancer
  • The global HTTP(S) load balancer
  • The regional load balancer
  • The global TCP proxy
  • The global SSL proxy

8. For which of these interconnect options is a Service Level Agreement available?

  • VPNs with Cloud Router
  • Carrier Peering
  • Dedicated Interconnect
  • Direct Peering

Cloud Storage

1. Your Cloud Storage objects live in buckets. Which of these characteristics do you define on a per-bucket basis? Choose all that are correct (3 correct answers).

  • A default storage class
  • A default file type for the objects in the bucket
  • A globally-unique name
  • A geographic location
  • An encryption-at-rest setting (on or off)

2. True or false: Cloud Storage is well suited to providing the root file system of a Linux virtual machine.

  • True
  • False

3. Why would a customer consider the Coldline storage class?

  • To improve security.
  • To save money on storing frequently accessed data.
  • To save money on storing infrequently accessed data.
  • To use the Coldline Storage API.

Cloud Bigtable

1. True or false: Each table in NoSQL databases such as Cloud Bigtable has a single schema that is enforced by the database engine itself.

  • True
  • False

2. Some developers think of Cloud Bigtable as a persistent hashtable. What does that mean?

  • Each item in the database can be sparsely populated, and is looked up with a single key.
  • Each item in the database consists of exactly the same fields, and can be looked up based on a variety of keys.

Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner

1. Which database service can scale to higher database sizes?

  • Cloud SQL.
  • Cloud Spanner.

2. Which database service presents a MySQL or PostgreSQL interface to clients?

  • Cloud SQL.
  • Cloud Spanner.

3. Which database service offers transactional consistency at global scale?

  • Cloud SQL.
  • Cloud Spanner.

Cloud Datastore

1. How are Cloud Datastore and Cloud Bigtable alike? Choose all that are correct (2 correct answers)

  • They are both highly scalable.
  • They both offer SQL-like queries.
  • They are both NoSQL databases.
  • They both have a free daily quota.

2. True or false: Cloud Datastore databases can span App Engine and Compute Engine applications.

  • True.
  • False.

Google Cloud Platform Storage Options

1. You are developing an application that transcodes large video files. Which storage option is the best choice for your application?

  • Cloud Spanner
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Storage
  • Google Drive

2. You manufacture devices with sensors and need to stream huge amounts of data from these devices to a storage option in the cloud. Which Google Cloud Platform storage option is the best choice for your application?

  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Spanner
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Bigtable

3. Which statement is true about objects in Cloud Storage?

  • They are immutable, and new versions overwrite old unless you turn on versioning.
  • They can be edited in place.
  • They are immutable, and versioned by default.
  • They are immutable unless you turn on versioning.

4.You are building a small application. If possible, you’d like this application’s data storage to be at no additional charge. Which service has a free daily quota, separate from any free trials?

  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Spanner
  • Bigtable
  • Cloud Datastore

5. How do the Nearline and Coldline storage classes differ from Multi-regional and Regional? Choose all that are correct (2 responses).

  • Nearline and Coldline use a differently-architected API.
  • Nearline and Coldline assess additional retrieval fees.
  • Nearline and Coldline have lower durability.
  • Nearline and Coldline assess lower storage fees.
  • Data in Nearline and Coldline is not retrievable immediately.

6. Your application needs a relational database, and it expects to talk to MySQL. Which storage option is the best choice for your application?

  • Cloud Spanner
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud SQL
  • Bigtable

7. Your application needs to store data with strong transactional consistency, and you want seamless scaling up. Which storage option is the best choice for your application?

  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Spanner

8. Which GCP storage service is often the ingestion point for data being moved into the cloud, and is frequently the long-term storage location for data?

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Local SSD
  • Cloud Spanner


1. True or false: each container has its own instance of an operating system.

  • True
  • False.

2. Containers are loosely coupled to their environments. What does that mean? Choose all the statements that are true. (3 correct answers)

  • Containers abstract away unimportant details of their environments.
  • Containers don’t require any particular runtime binary.
  • Deploying a containerized application consumes less resources and is less error-prone than deploying an application in virtual machines.
  • Containers package your application into equally sized components.
  • Containers are easy to move around.


1. What is a Kubernetes pod?

  • A group of clusters
  • A group of nodes
  • A group of containers

2. What is a Kubernetes cluster?

  • A group of machines where Kubernetes can schedule workloads
  • A group of containers that provide high availability for applications

Kubernetes Engine

1. Where do the resources used to build Kubernetes Engine clusters come from?

  • App Engine
  • Compute Engine
  • Bare-metal servers

2. True or false: Google keeps Kubernetes Engine refreshed with successive versions of Kubernetes.

  • True.
  • False.

Containers, Kubernetes, and Kubernetes Engine

1. Identify two reasons for deploying applications using containers. (Choose 2 responses.)

  • Consistency across development, testing, production environments
  • Tight coupling between applications and operating systems
  • No need to allocate resources in which to run containers
  • Simpler to migrate workloads

2. True or False: Kubernetes allows you to manage container clusters in multiple cloud providers.

  • True
  • False

3. True or False: Google Cloud Platform provides a secure, high-speed container image storage service for use with Kubernetes Engine.

  • True
  • False

4. In Kubernetes, what does “pod” refer to?

  • A popular logging subsystem
  • A popular management subsystem
  • A group of containers that work together
  • A group of clusters that work together

5. Does Google Cloud Platform offer its own tool for building containers (other than the ordinary docker command)?

  • Yes. Kubernetes Engine customers must use the GCP-provided tool.
  • Yes; the GCP-provided tool is an option, but customers may choose not use it.
  • No; all customers use the ordinary docker command.

6. Where do your Kubernetes Engine workloads run?

  • In clusters built from Compute Engine virtual machines
  • In clusters implemented using Cloud Functions
  • In clusters implemented using App Engine
  • In clusters that are built into GCP, not separately manageable

App Engine

1. True or false: App Engine is a better choice for a web application than for long-running batch processing.

  • True.
  • False.

2. True or false: App Engine just runs applications; it doesn’t offer any services to the applications it runs.

  • True.
  • False.

App Engine Flexible and Standard Environments

1. Which of these criteria would make you choose App Engine Flexible Environment, rather than Standard Environment, for your application? Choose all that are correct (2 correct responses).

  • Finer-grained scaling
  • Wider range of choices for application language
  • Ability to ssh in
  • Daily free usage quota

2. True or false: App Engine Flexible Environment applications let their owners control the geographic region where they run.

  • True.
  • False.

Applications in the Cloud

1. Which statements are true about App Engine? Choose all that are true (2 correct answers).

  • Developers who write for App Engine do not need to code their applications in any particular way to use the service.
  • App Engine charges you based on the resources you pre-allocate rather than based on the resources you use.
  • App Engine requires you to supply or code your own application load balancing and logging services.
  • It is possible for an App Engine application’s daily billing to drop to zero.
  • App Engine manages the hardware and networking infrastructure required to run your code.

2.Name 3 advantages of using the App Engine Flexible Environment over App Engine Standard. Choose all that are true (3 correct answers).

  • Google provides automatic in-place security patches
  • You can install third-party binaries
  • Your application can execute code in background threads
  • Your application can write to local disk
  • You can SSH in to your application

3. Name 3 advantages of using the App Engine Standard Environment over App Engine Flexible. Choose all that are true (3 correct answers).

  • You can install third-party binaries
  • Google provides and maintains runtime binaries.
  • Scaling is finer-grained.
  • Billing can drop to zero if your application is idle.
  • You can choose any programming language

4. You want to do business analytics and billing on a customer-facing API. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Apigee Edge
  • Cloud Endpoints

5. You want to support developers who are building services in GCP through API logging and monitoring. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Cloud Endpoints
  • Apigee Edge

6. You want to gradually decompose a pre-existing monolithic application, not implemented in GCP, into microservices. Which GCP service should you choose?

  • Apigee Edge
  • Cloud Endpoints

Development in the cloud

1. Why would a developer choose to store source code in Cloud Source Repositories? Choose all the answers that are correct (2 correct answers).

  • To reduce work
  • To have total control over the hosting infrastructure
  • To keep code private to a GCP project

Cloud Functions

1. What is the advantage of putting event-driven components of your application into Cloud Functions?

  • Cloud Functions handles scaling these components seamlessly.
  • Cloud Functions means that processing always happens free of charge.

Developing, Deploying, and Monitoring in the Cloud

1. Why might a GCP customer choose to use Cloud Source Repositories?

  • They want to host and manage their own git instance, and they want to integrate with IAM permissions.
  • They don’t want to host their own git instance, and they don’t want to integrate with IAM permissions.
  • They want to host and manage their own git instance, and they don’t want to integrate with IAM permissions.
  • They don’t want to host their own git instance, and they want to integrate with IAM permissions.

2.Why might a GCP customer choose to use Cloud Functions?

  • Cloud Functions is a free service for hosting compute operations.
  • Cloud Functions is the primary way to run Node.js applications in GCP.
  • Their application has a legacy monolithic structure that they want to break apart into microservices with little developer effort.
  • Their application contains event-driven code that they don’t want to have to provision compute resources for.

3. Why might a GCP customer choose to use Deployment Manager?

  • Deployment Manager enforces maximum resource utilization and spending limits on your GCP resources.
  • Deployment Manager is an infrastructure management system for GCP resources.
  • Deployment Manager is an infrastructure management system for Kubernetes pods.
  • Deployment Manager is a version control system for your GCP infrastructure layout.

4. You want to define alerts on your GCP resources, such as when health checks fail. Which is the best GCP product to use?

  • Cloud Functions
  • Stackdriver Monitoring*
  • Stackdriver Debugger
  • Deployment Manager
  • Stackdriver Trace

5. Which statements are true about Stackdriver Logging? Choose all that are true (2 statements)

  • Stackdriver Logging lets you define metrics based on your logs.
  • Stackdriver Logging lets you view logs from your applications, and filter and search on them.
  • Stackdriver Logging requires that you store your logs in BigQuery or Cloud Storage.
  • Stackdriver Logging requires the use of a third-party monitoring agent.
  • Stackdriver Logging lets you define uptime checks.

Big Data and Machine Learning

1. Name two use cases for Google Cloud Dataproc (Select 2 answers).

  • Manage data that arrives in realtime
  • Manage datasets of unpredictable size
  • Data mining and analysis in datasets of known size
  • Migrate on-premises Hadoop jobs to the cloud

2. Name two use cases for Google Cloud Dataflow (Select 2 answers).

  • Reserved compute instances
  • Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL)
  • Manual resource management
  • Orchestration

3. Name three use cases for the Google Cloud Machine Learning Platform (Select 3 answers).

  • Query architecture
  • Data preparation
  • Fraud detection
  • Content personalization
  • Sentiment analysis

4. Which statements are true about BigQuery? Choose all that are true (2 statements).

  • BigQuery lets you run fast SQL queries against large databases.
  • Once in BigQuery, data is not accessible from other GCP services.
  • BigQuery requires that you provision database instances ahead of use.
  • BigQuery is a good choice for online transaction processing.
  • BigQuery is a good choice for data analytics warehousing.

5. Name three use cases for Cloud Pub/Sub (Select 3 answers).

  • Analyzing streaming data
  • Decoupling systems
  • Storage of binary web content
  • Executing ad-hoc SQL queries
  • Internet of Things applications

6. What is TensorFlow?

  • An open-source software library that’s useful for building machine learning applications
  • A managed service for building data pipelines
  • A hardware device designed to accelerate machine learning workloads
  • A managed service for building machine learning models

7. What does the Cloud Natural Language API do?

  • It performs sentiment analysis on audio and video content.
  • It translates arbitrary strings into any supported language.
  • It extracts text in various languages from images.
  • It analyzes text to reveal its structure and meaning.

Summary and Review

1. Which compute service lets customers run virtual machines that run on Google’s infrastructure?

  • Cloud Functions
  • App Engine
  • Compute Engine
  • Kubernetes Engine

2. Which compute service lets customers deploy their applications in containers that run in clusters on Google’s infrastructure?

  • Cloud Functions
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Compute Engine
  • App Engine

3. Which compute service lets customers focus on their applications, leaving most infrastructure and provisioning to Google, while still offering various choices of runtime?

  • Compute Engine
  • Cloud Functions
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • App Engine

4. Which compute service lets customers supply chunks of code, which get run on-demand in response to events, on infrastructure wholly managed by Google?

  • Cloud Functions
  • Compute Engine
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • App Engine

5. For what kind of traffic would the regional load balancer be the first choice? Choose all that are correct (2 answers).

  • TCP traffic on arbitrary port numbers
  • TCP traffic (non-SSL) on popular well-known port numbers
  • TCP/SSL traffic on popular well-known port numbers
  • UDP traffic

6. Choose a simple way to let a VPN into your Google VPC continue to work in spite of routing changes,

  • Cloud Router
  • Dedicated Interconnect
  • Carrier Peering
  • Direct Peering

7. Which of these storage needs is best addressed by Cloud Datastore.

  • Structured objects, with transactions and SQL-like queries
  • Structured objects, with lookups based on a single key
  • Immutable binary objects
  • A relational database with SQL queries and horizontal scalability

8. Which of these storage needs is best addressed by Cloud Spanner?

  • A relational database with SQL queries and horizontal scalability
  • Immutable binary objects
  • Structured objects, with lookups based on a single key
  • Structured objects, with transactions and SQL-like queries

9. Which of these storage needs is best addressed by Cloud Bigtable?

  • Immutable binary objects
  • A relational database with SQL queries and horizontal scalability
  • Structured objects, with lookups based on a single key
  • Structured objects, with transactions and SQL-like queries

10. Which of these storage needs is best addressed by Cloud Storage?

  • A relational database with SQL queries and horizontal scalability
  • Structured objects, with transactions and SQL-like queries
  • Structured objects, with lookups based on a single key
  • Immutable binary objects

The above questions are from “Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure” You can discover all the refreshed questions and answers related to this on the “Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure By Coursera” page. If you find the updated questions or answers, do comment on this page and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.

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Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Coursera Quiz Answers | Quizerry (2024)


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